USH Wordpress Hacks ==> 1) Edit index.php <== ==> 2) Edit wp-rss.php <== Remove ==> 3) Edit wp-rss2.php <== Remove Change to ==> 4) Edit wp-commentsrss2.php <== Remove Change to ==> 5) Edit wp-atom.php <== Change WordPress to WordPress ==> 6) Edit wp-links-opml.php <== Remove ==> 7) Edit wp-login.php <== Change to Change to ==> 8) Edit wp-rdf.php <== Remove Change to ==> 9) Edit wp-login.php <== Remove

==> 10) Edit wp-rsd.php <== WordPress WordPress 0 ==> 11) Edit wp-comments-post.php <== After if ( '' == $comment_content ) wp_die( __('Error: please type a comment.') ); add if (strtolower(trim($_POST['ush'])) != 'ush') wp_die( __('Error: please type USH in the right field!')); ==> 12) Verify other versions <== grep "wp_version\|bloginfo_rss('version')" ./ -R