Eliad is an automated program that download a lot of porn images from elephant list : P Eliad infact is an acronym (Elephant List Images Automatic Downloader) and is written in php, c, bash scripting and perl by aScii and Rhapsody in a night. This powerfull tool is becoming a suite, now include also an Xchat plugin to make the chat more "porny". Eliad e' un tool automatizzato per il download di una grande mole di immagini a contenuto pornografico dal sito elephantlist : P Eliad infatti e' un acronimo (Elephant List Images Automatic Downloader) ed e' scritto in php, c, bash scripting e perl da aScii e Rhapsody nel tempo di una notte. Questo potente strumento sta diventando una suite, include inoltre un plugin per Xchat per rendere il clima in chat piu' allegro. - The core command of the program is wget -r -l 1 -A *.jpg --non-verbose -i urllist - cutsize.c by rhapsody Cutsize ceck only the size of the file and try to help the script to understand which images are "good" and which other are "bad/small/thumbs". #include #include #include int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct stat info; stat(argv[1],&info); if (info.st_size >= atoi(argv[2])) printf("OK"); else printf("NO"); return 0; } - script0.sh and script1.sh by aScii script[0|1] are simple bash script that manage the downloaded images putting them in a "special" user-home directory preserving the groups. The first (script1.sh) script also work with the cutsize binary cleaning and removing unuseful images. #!/bin/bash ((a = 0)) for i in $(find ./ -name "*.jpg") do FLAG=$(./cutsize $i 200000) if [ "$FLAG" == "OK" ]; then cp $i /home/porn/$a.jpg ((a+=1)) fi done #!/bin/bash ((a = 0)) for i in $(find ./ -name "*.jpg"); do cp $i /home/porn/$a.jpg; ((a+=1)) done - pornizer.pl by aScii Pornizer is a Xchat extension witch can post random lines of the urllist file generated by eliad script. #!/usr/bin/perl -w ## pornizer ## v0.2 by aScii (USHteam) IRC::register("Pornizer", "0.2", "", ""); IRC::print("Pornizer v.02 Loaded (by aScii, USHteam)"); IRC::add_command_handler("porn", "porn"); #on 1:TEXT:*:#:{ /msg # text che voglio io } sub porn { # IRC::print("test"); # IRC::command("boh"); srand; open (FILE, "/home/ascii/devel/eliad/urllist") or die $!; rand($.) < 1 && ($line = $_) while ; close FILE; # IRC::command(chop($line)); $line =~ s/^\\s*//; $line =~ s/\\s*$//; IRC::command($line); } - eliad.php by aScii and rhapsody This is the core program. Download ELIAD eliadv09.zip