THE SECURITY INDUSTRY IN A NUTSHELL BY: sl4ng-a-d1ck and k1ll-a-b1tch PREFACE: we are not apart of the scene but we do watch it from a distance we are not apart of any underground loops we do not have mad people researching mad shit we are the people you never see or hear about we made this to try and make people understand our views and most hackers view on the security industry we are not apart of phc nor have we ever met them SECURITY INDUSTRY PURPOSE AS THEY SEE IT: finding and preventing bugs that hackers might exploit and use to hack the average joe, selling products and making profit from preventing hackers from gaining access to their computers via the bugs they disclose, OUR VIEW ON THIS: this is a common trait of another organization known as the mafia. A SCENARIO: 1.tony-T (skfocus) comes into your store one day threatens and scares you (skfocus internet threat level of the day) 2.he says if you dont help him out with a little bit of cash every week he'll come back and smash the place (advisorys and exploit code released unleashing script kiddies) have a morgage to pay and your third son might be gay , thus you have alot on your mind (other shit to do besides reloading the skfocus website every 30 seconds) are a few days late to make your payment to tony-T (skfocus) goto sleep the next night expecting tony-T (skfocus) to understand your problems and accept your payment a few days late (wrong) wake up brush your teeth feed the dog get a quick jerk before work and head to the store you and your wife spend your savings on (sgi octane) find tony-T waiting for you in your store (dude who hacked your box with the tools given to him by skfocus) try to give him your payment and explain but it is too late he beats you nearth death and trashes your store (echo "GOTOWNED" > index.html ; rm -rf /*) 9.meanwhile tony-T (skfocus) and his men (the people who released the bug info/exploit (gobblecocks,w00faggets ect..) have been made known and feared (famous) 10.the rest of the neighborhood now respects them and will never miss a payment to tony-T (skfocus) wake up in the hospital bed and you are now on a long road to recovery (have to buy irix wich is like 200$ fucking dollars and then reinstall) 12.your life's savings , source of money and family store is destroyed (sgi octane) rebuild and recover eventully and you say to yourself "i will never miss another payment" wich you most likely will not (buy their ids's and security update tools) 14.and you are now under control and in fear of tony-T and the rest of his men (skfocus and skfocus mailing list posters) eventully pass this information to your friend ronny-mo who just bought his hot dog stand (sun ultra 5) 16.he in turn goes through the same steps you just went through and the cycle continues... SOLUTIONS: NON DISCLOSURE: script kiddies are no longer there to attack joe average thus computer crime goes down in at a light speed rate hackers dont attack joe average in the first place. if a hacker finds and exploits a bug and keeps it private, yes he can basicly attack anything he wants to. even though you cant stop bugs in code , that doesent stop you from trying to find and research ways to prevent him actually exploiting the bug on your computer. (as hackers yes we expect people to try and prevent us and honestly there is nothing we can do about it but the current way is destroying our world (and shitting all over us, making a fucking fun house of our internet that is the reason for these fag ass texts on what is wrong with the security industry otherwise we wouldent give 2 shits) FULL DISCLOSURE: anyone and everyone can get exploit code and bug information and start attacking your computer if you are not fast enough to patch the latest bugs , this is fucking insane THEY MAKE MONEY OFF OF YOUR DESTRUCTION YOU FUCKING COCK SUCKERS and in the end the statements in the last section still effect you , you cant stop all bugs, your not safe anyway CLOSING WORDS: the security industry is the digital mafia if it is not already clear to you. and yes it is right the mafia has some brains running it but most of the members are fucking idiots. (netric,snosoft,security crews) the security industry sets you on fire and sells you vodka to put it out. (your safe from script kiddies but somtimes vodka will catch fire) if you do not comply to its terms you will be destroyed , you do not have a choice in the matter if you are online. the truth is noone is out to get the average joe besides the security industry , they are trying to scare you into buying security wich themselfs have stated cannot be obtained , but yet without bugs in software there wouldent be a need for security so the securtiy industry depends on bad security to make money , it also depends on script kiddies (wich it creates) to attack joe average with the tools they provide for them inturn scaring him into buying their security products. STATEMENTS AS HACKERS: THIS IS WHY YOU MUST SUPPORT THE DMCA , IF YOU SEE PEOPLE PROTESTING AGAINST THE DMCA MAKE A SIGN THAT SAYS "THE PEOPLE PROTESTING THE DMCA CAN SUCK A DICK" THEN BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THEM KNOCK THESE BITCHES OUT, STOP WITH THE POLITE DEBATE , TAKE A PISS IN GOBBLE'S FACE HIRE 4 JAMAKINS TO RAPE SKYPER , FUCK THESE BITCHES UP LAUGH WHEN PEOPLE LIKE GOBBLES , RUSSIAN EBOOK ENCRYPTION CRACKERS AND TR0N ROOTKIT CODERS GOTO JAIL FOR RELEASING CODES , MAKE FUN OF GERA BECAUSE HES OLD AS FUCK, KNOCK ON LCAMTUF'S DOOR AND HIT EM UPSIDE THE HEAD WITH A BRICK oh ya , hack and rm them too note, some of these people are actually nice guys we hear , but the fact remains they are destroying us, until it stops they are our enemy CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISIM TO PHC: whats this whitehat hacker blackhat hacker shit , this hat shit is playing into the definition of a hacker being somthing else besides someone who breaks into computers. in our opinion there is no white hat or blackhat you are a hacker or your not call "whitehats" security cock suckers or something along those lines but dont actually let them have the term hacker.