#phrack mission #3: everyone email deraadt@openbsd.org comments and criticisms about his recent ownage and source code backdooring. maybe he will gnuTella himself (*bang*). an amount of emails have been sent already, but we need alot of emails, tons of emails. theo is a very unstable person and this may drive him over the edge. special techniques to drive theo nuts: put linux penguin ascii in the email tell him that dangergrl's son is in fact his subscribe him to many redhat linux support group lists #phrack theo pranks: see theo at a con? go over to him and say LINUX LINUX LINUX LINUX see theo at a con? piss on his openbsd tent see theo at a con? throw your feces at him PS: CC gayh1tler (fuk@eurocompton.net) ill put them on this page come on guys! lets ralley and get theo to gnutella himself! :D