A simple rant Its funny how people try to degrade others to make themselves feel better about themselves. It happens in every field from the people proping themselves up by degrading there fellow workers at taco bell. To the highest politicians in the land struggling for power. So why should we expect anything else from the great minds in computer security. I have seen you repeatedly refer to yourselves as hackers then try to associated it with some sort of programming genius that was embodied at MIT so many years ago. Face it though, even in that defenition you are not a hacker, and you will never be one. No self-respecting hacker would work in computer security. This has to be the most retarded notion ever. Lets take that former definition and lets see how most of you stack up. Hackers built the net, hackers built the electronic world, it was created, information was the commodity that was held dear, the manipulation of information, the power of creation, a whole world was spawned, instead of embodying this principle you are the direct antithesis you work in computer security, you are the security guard of the net, the wannabe cop. You refer to your adversarys as kids, and yet your entire industry cannot keep the kids at bay. You call them kids because that is all you once were. You didint get into "hacking" by a love for technology and information, you got in it for computer security from the begining. You arnt even a real computer security professional because you still havnt understood what computer security is. You sit there demanding vulnerability information yet fail to realize software development issues have nothing to do with security. Im tired of this fucking list, im tired of the retarded posts one way or another regarding the 'blackhat issue'. None of you are my enemies, simply because you arnt worthy enough to be considered as such. Instead you are nothing more then a gaggle of children discussing things you think are cool but will never truely be able to be a part of. Your simply not worth 0wning, but your probably owned anyway. Enjoy discussing this while the world passes you by. -nothing but a poser.