- a beautiful place

Google Chrome direct download link

September 2, 2008 at 10:52 pm - Filed under Reports, Language EN - 168 words, reading time ~0 minutes - Permalink - Comments (It's - naturally - just the loader.)

Clientside security: Hardening Mozilla Firefox

July 25, 2007 at 9:55 pm - Filed under Reports, Language EN - 652 words, reading time ~2 minutes - Permalink - Comments

I'm sure you have already heard of the many external protocol handling vulnerabilities that hitted Firefox lately. Normally on this site you read about "in-security", this article is a little exception since it contains some tips that anybody can adopt to harden his preferred http/https client, also named Mozilla Firefox, thought the about:config interface.

Linuxpersec2 a Verona (16/17 Giugno)

June 10, 2007 at 3:57 pm - Filed under Team, Reports, Language IT - 436 words, reading time ~1 minutes - Permalink - Comments

Sabato 17 Giugno a Verona presso l'Itis G. Marconi (Piazzale Guardini 1) si terra' Linuxpersec2 (Conosciamo altri modi... per proteggerlo!) con vari interventi sulla Sicurezza personale e Linux. La manifestazione e' gratuita e ovviamente siete tutti invitati :D

Reflection on Stefano Di Paola

May 29, 2007 at 12:37 am - Filed under Team, Reports, Language EN - 728 words, reading time ~2 minutes - Permalink - Comments

Anurag Agarwal has published a reflection on our friend Stefano Di Paola. The interview contains a condensed auto-biography (nice reading, thanks Stefano!); integral text follows.

Interview with Rain Forest Puppy

May 1, 2007 at 9:09 pm - Filed under Reports, Language EN - 3236 words, reading time ~10 minutes - Permalink - Comments

Antonio `s4tan` Parata, software security researcher and member of the ush team interviews Rain Forest Puppy, famous bug hunter, specialized in web application assessment. It's a pleasure for us to publish the full interview, in this case talk is not cheap.

Free Temporary and Anonymous email address providers

April 30, 2007 at 1:15 pm - Filed under Reports, Language EN - 186 words, reading time ~0 minutes - Permalink - Comments

HttpOnly Cookies Reference

December 22, 2006 at 5:20 am - Filed under Reports, Insecurity, Language EN - 1274 words, reading time ~4 minutes - Permalink - Comments

This is a collection of resources on the topic. Some of these methods are not bullet proof but will help you develop some proactive security when writing new web applications and when hardening the existing ones.

Poste Italiane privatizza i CAP, la FSFE li libera

November 15, 2006 at 5:03 pm - Filed under Reports, Language IT - 330 words, reading time ~1 minutes - Permalink - Comments

Fino a qualche giorno fa, Poste Italiane SPA e il Ministero delle Comunicazioni forniva sui rispettivi siti web l'elenco dei CAP delle localita' italiane gratuitamente e in formato universalmente accessibile.

Toc toc, ADSL?

November 28, 2005 at 2:25 pm - Filed under Reports, Language IT - 629 words, reading time ~2 minutes - Permalink - Comments

Pubblichiamo i risultati di una piccola ricerca che a suo tempo abbiamo condotto per verificare se fosse possibile sapere se un determinato numero di telefonia fissa avesse o meno associata una linea adsl e quali dati sarebbero saltati fuori (operatore, tipologia di contratto).

Windows software

September 25, 2005 at 10:33 pm - Filed under Reports, Language IT - 533 words, reading time ~1 minutes - Permalink - Comments

Vi propongo una lista abbastanza esaustiva del sw che utilizzo normalmente sui miei pc win, cerco sempre di utilizzare software opensource o freeware ma non escludo che possiate incontrare qualche eccezione. Le categorie trattate sono: Sicurezza, Ufficio, Rete, Comunicazione, Multimedia, Grafica, Programmazione, Sistema.

THP USH Wisec DigitalBullets